Survey on awareness of property flood resilience

Please note this is being conducted by Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd not the Parish Council

We are carrying out a study for the Environment Agency on resilience to flooding.  As part of this study, we are currently collecting views and opinions and are interested in questions such as:

  • Are property owners and occupiers aware of Property Flood Resilience measures?
  • Do property owners and occupiers have any measures installed (e.g. flood doors)?
  • Are there any issues that are hindering owners and occupiers from taking up Property Flood Resilience?

We are using an internet-based survey to collect opinions on Property Flood Resilience from owners and occupiers.  The survey can be accessed here:

We kindly ask you to pass this invitation on to property owners and occupiers in your area, so that we can find out what they think about Property Flood Resilience.

We ran a similar survey last year.  The results from this year’s survey will be used to see if there have been any changes in attitudes and behaviours over time.

If you would like any further details on the survey and how the data collected will be used, please do get in touch.  A letter from the Environment Agency confirming the instruction to undertake a survey can be found on RPA’s website (


Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd
Suite C, 2nd Floor, The Atrium, St Georges Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR3 1AB, UK
Direct:  +44 (0)1603 558534  ǀ Switchboard:  +44 (0)1603 558442

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