Closure of the MUGA and skatepark

The MUGA and skatepark will be closed from Friday 24th May 2024 and is expected to be closed for the full week whist the work on the Village Hall takes place.

There is CCTV at the Village Hall and the building site will be closely monitored over the period that the work is being carried out.


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Contract Opportunity

Barnetby le Wold Parish Council are seeking to engage Grounds Maintenances companies to undertake to provision of Grass Cutting, Highways, verges and Public Rights of Way in the village of Barnetby le Wold.

Please see attached documents for further details of how to express your interest for this opportunity.

Request for Quotation Barnetby Parish Council 2024

Appendix A BLW Grass Verges

Appendix B BLW PROW

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Notice of Co-Option Vacancy

Co-Option Notice 2024

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Consultation SILVER STREET 15 JAN 2024

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Silver Street and Victoria Road Parking Restriction Proposal

Please complete the below survey to give your feedback in relation to Parking Restriction proposals for Silver Street and Victoria Road 

Silver Street - Victoria Road Parking Proposal

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Annual Meeting of the Parish and Networking Event 13 June 2023

Annual Meeting of Parish for FB

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Brigg and Wold Elections 2023 Results

Brigg and Wold LG Election Results

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2023 Parish Council Election Results

Barnetby le Wold Election Results 2023

The 2023 Parish Council Elections have been held on 04 May 2023.

The Elected Councillors that will form the Parish Council will be:

Barry Baker

Kathy Booker

Wendy Broughton

Tracey Copley

Maggie Hoggard

Sue Huck

Steven Knill

Helen Munn

Alison Thomas

Ajay Vora

David Wells

These will be subject to their Acceptance of Office declaration on Monday 15 May 2023 at 6pm.

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Notice of Poll and Nominated Persons

Notice of Poll Barnetby le Wold

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Notice of Election – Ward

LGE2023-Notice of Election-Ward

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